[Insight-users] writing a volume on a dicom series

Niccolo' Camarlinghi niccolo.camarlinghi at pi.infn.it
Fri Jul 4 16:34:39 EDT 2008

Dear all,

I'm trying to write a volume extracted from a raw image with mhd
metadata (is that terminology correct?) using an example very similar to
the one in the guide in capter 7 section 12.4 .
My problem is that the  dicom tag   IPP (i'm intrested in particular in
this tag) is set to zero and i think that is happening because I cannot
set  properly the MetaDataDictionaryArray in the SeriesWriter (m  I

Is there any function in ITK that can compute the tags that are not the
same for all the slices (e.g. IPP )?
I red in mailing list that i can manually create an array of
metadatadictionary but in this case how can i compute the correct IPP
for every slice? 

Many Thanks

Niccolo' Camarlinghi  

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