[Insight-users] help for problem in read dicom series and write volume

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Jul 27 10:18:31 EDT 2008

Hi Knoppix,

Please read the ITK Software Guide


In particular the chapter "Reading and Writing Images".

You should also read the FAQ:

If what you want to do is to read a volume from a series of
2D slices stored in individual DICOM files, and then write
it down as another 3D file format, then you may want to look
at the example:


and run it as:

    DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2  DICOMDir   volume.mha

Where DICOMDir is the directory where you have stored
your DICOM 2D slices.

.mha is the extension of the MetaImage format, that is just one
among many file formats that ITK can read and write.

In order to visualize the .mha image you can use:

    a) Slicer
    b) SNAP
    c) ImageViewer
    d) ParaView

among others...



knoppix corn wrote:
> haii every one, i have a problem in read dicom series adn write volume..
> what is the volume's format file . what is the volume's file extension??
> thank you very much every one...
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