[Insight-users] Third MICCAI Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology

millerjv.69390810 at bloglines.com millerjv.69390810 at bloglines.com
Mon Jun 9 12:03:32 EDT 2008


Third MICCAI Workshop on

Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications
in Biology

Sep 5/6 2008 New York, NY

For more information visit: www.miaab.org


Call for Papers:

The automatic analysis of microscope imagery plays
an increasingly important role in biosciences research. Novel imaging devices
such as the confocal and two photon (or multi-photon) microscope, automated
stages for optical and electron microscopy, and higher resolution electron
tomography enable researchers to image biological systems at the cellular
and sub-cellular scale. These datasets pose a number of challenges that are
very distinct from conventional clinical imagery in their size and abundance,
the detail of relevant features, and their statistics. Sophisticated algorithms
are necessary to process such imagery and extract biologically relevant features
and information. The design, development, and application of such algorithms
are the focus of this workshop. The proposed workshop will be the third workshop
in this series. The first workshop was held as a MICCAI workshop in Copenhagen
in 2006. In 2007 the workshop was held as an independent one-day event in
Piscataway, NJ.

We welcome presentations on image formation and reconstruction,
multi-spectral and volume segmentation, shape analysis and morphology, registration,
and classification that addresses specific problems related to microscopic
data. Papers on image analysis that relate to applications such as high-throughput
screening for drug discovery, high content analysis of neurobiological data,
or disease-specific analysis of tissue arrays for pathology are also welcome.
The suggested list of topics are

* Image formation and reconstruction
* Multi-spectral and volume segmentation
* Shape analysis and morphology

* Visual tracking and motion analysis of timelapse microscopy data
* Computer-aided
detection and counting
* Feature extraction and pattern recognition enabling
high-content analysis
* Image analysis for high-content screening
* Statistical
methods and population based analysis
* Spatiotemporal dynamics of signaling
* Disease-specific analysis of tissue arrays for pathology

addition to these topics special consideration will be given to contributions
from biologists and imagers that present challenging image analysis problems
in this application space. In order to encourage the participation of biologists
we have established a separate poster/-abstract submission format that focus
on the presentation of application problems, as is common for biology conferences.
Please refer to the submission instructions for further details.


Paper Submission: June 15 2008
Notification of Acceptance: July 15 2008

Workshop Date: Sep 5/6 2008


Dimitris N. Metaxas (Rutgers, USA)
Jens Rittscher (GE Global
Research, USA)
Stephen Lockett (NIH NCI, USA)
Tolga Tasdizen (University
of Utah, USA)
Karl Rohr (German Cancer Research Center, Univ. of Heidelberg)

Sean Megason (Harvard)

Program Committee
Robert F. Murphy (CMU, USA)

Ilya Goldberg (NIH National Institute of Aging)
Raghu Machiraju (Ohio State,
Jean-Christophe Olvio Marin (Ohio State, USA)
Joachim Buhmann (ETH
Kun Huang (Ohio State, USA)
Ross T. Whitaker (University of Utah,
Ioannis A. Kakadiaris (University of Houston, USA)
Anders Heyden (Lund
University, Sweden)
Stephen Wong (Harvard, USA)
Ali Can (GE Global Research,
Kun Huang (Ohio State, USA)
Anant Madabhushi (Rutgers, USA)
Gustavson (Chalmers, Sweden)
Dmitri Chklovskii (Janelia Farm Research Campus,
John Kaufhold (SAIC)
Terry S. Yoo (National Library of Medicine National
Institutes of Health, USA)
Hanchuan Peng (Janelia Farm Research Campus, USA)

Rahul Bhotika (GE Global Research, USA)
Ela Claridge (Birmingham University,
Jelena Kovacecic (CMU, USA)
Bryan Jones (University of Utah, USA)
Kervrann (IRISA / INRIA Rennes, France)
Nicolas Ayache (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
Andres Kriete (Drexel University, USA)

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