[Insight-users] Problem with TriangleMeshToBinaryImage

Kun kun_ch at 163.com
Wed Jun 18 11:54:41 EDT 2008

 Hi, All,

I try to use TriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter to convert the mesh to an image, but I found there is one problem. My code is as followed:

void    MeshStorage::MeshConstruct    ( FloatMatrix & MeshVertex, IntMatrix & MeshLine, IntMatrix & MeshTriangle, int TotalTriangle, int TotalVertex, UCharImageType::Pointer & OutputImage,SizeType & m_Size, SpacingType & m_Spacing, IndexType & m_Start )
    TriangleMeshType::Pointer        meshSource    =    TriangleMeshType::New();    

    TriangleMeshType::CellAutoPointer    cellpointer;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i<TotalVertex; i++)
        //meshSource->SetPoint(i, TriangleMeshType::PointType(MeshVertex[i]));
        TriangleMeshType::PointType    p;
        p[0]    =    MeshVertex[i][0];
        p[1]    =    MeshVertex[i][1];
        p[2]    =    MeshVertex[i][2];

    int vertex1, vertex2, vertex3;

    for(i =0; i<TotalTriangle; i++)
        vertex1        =    MeshLine[MeshTriangle[i][0]][0];
        vertex2        =    MeshLine[MeshTriangle[i][0]][1];
        vertex3        =    MeshLine[MeshTriangle[i][1]][0] +    MeshLine[MeshTriangle[i][1]][1] + MeshLine[MeshTriangle[i][2]][0] + MeshLine[MeshTriangle[i][2]][1] - vertex1 - vertex2;
        vertex3        =    vertex3/2;

        cellpointer.TakeOwnership(new TriangleType);

    MeshToImage    ->    SetInput(meshSource);
    MeshToImage    ->    SetSize(m_Size);
    //MeshToImage    ->    SetOrigin(m_Start);
    //MeshToImage    ->    SetSpacing(m_Spacing);
    MeshToImage    ->    Update();
    typedef    itk::ImageFileWriter<UCharImageType>        WriterType;
    WriterType::Pointer    writer    =    WriterType::New();

    writer    ->    SetInput(MeshToImage    ->    GetOutput());
    writer    ->    SetFileName("Mask1.hdr");
    writer    ->    Update();

    OutputImage    =    MeshToImage    ->    GetOutput();


Here, I use the MeshVertex to  store the  position of  the  vertex,  MeshLine  to  store the  the  vertex sequence number  of  each  line,  and MeshTriangle to store the line sequence number. And I use "for" loop to do the conversion, like 
for(int i =0 ; i<2; i++)   MeshConstruct(MeshVertex, MeshLine, MeshTriangle,TotalTriangle, TotalVertex,  OutputImage,m_Size, m_Spacing,  m_Start );
The MeshVertex, MeshLine, MeshTriangle have changed for each iterate. When I use the code for the first time, it's OK. But the second time, it is generate the same image as  the first time. I don't know why.

Could any one help me?

Thanks very much.

Jun. 18 2008

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