[Insight-users] iPhone

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Jun 19 11:28:19 EDT 2008

That explains why Open Source development tools have killed the
closed source ones:


They still have that closed-minded 20th-century mentality...

One must wonder:

            "Why should my complier decide
             what I can talk about or not..."

I don't recall having to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement in
order to be able to use gcc and Vim.     :-)

  Free as in Freedom...


Sean McBride wrote:
> On 6/18/08 10:52 PM, Darren Weber said:
>>Has anyone tackled the iPhone with ITK?
> If anyone has, they can't really say, as all the iPhone developer tools
> and info are covered by an NDA.  One more month or so and the flood
> gates should open. :)

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