[Insight-users] gdcmwriter makes pixel spacing 1.00\1.00 instead of original pixel spacing

Sachin Jambawalikar sachinjam at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 16:21:34 EDT 2008

Hi  Mathieu,

I'm using  gdcm through itk  to write dicom images.
I have original dicom data with pixel spacing tag 0028,0030 = 0.45\0.45

However after writing new dicom images through gdcm  the pixel spacing
tags 0028,0030 changed to 1.00\1.00

I checked the original dicom image MetaDataDiconary and it shows the
right pixel spacing	0.45\0.45

std::string pixelspacing;
 itk::ExposeMetaData<std::string>(*dict, "0028|0030", pixelspacing);
std::cout<< pixelspacing;

also tried to  write an arbitrary spacing  too but still get pixel
spacing 1.00\1.00:
 itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>(*dict, "0028|0030", pixelspacing);

Sachin Jambawalikar

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