[Insight-users] FastMarchingFilter in Java

Aron Helser helser at 3rdtech.com
Tue Mar 4 09:11:11 EST 2008

When I look at the description of the FastMarchingFilter in the Itk User
manual, it says to set up the TrialPoints like this:

typedef FastMarchingFilterType::NodeContainer NodeContainer;
typedef FastMarchingFilterType::NodeType NodeType;
NodeContainer::Pointer seeds = NodeContainer::New();
       Nodes are created as stack variables and initialized with a value
and an itk::Index position.
NodeType node;
const double seedValue = 0.0;
node.SetValue( seedValue );
node.SetIndex( seedPosition );
       The list of nodes is initialized and then every node is inserted
using the InsertElement().
seeds->InsertElement( 0, node );

I'm using the release version of Itk, 3.4.0.
Unfortunately, when I look at the itkNodeContainerF2.java, generated
with CSwig, the InsertElement call looks like this:
   public void InsertElement(long arg0,
SWIGTYPE_p_itk__LevelSetNodeTfloat_2_t arg1) { ... }

and that SWIGTYPE seems to be basically empty; there are no methods for
SetValue and SetIndex.

Does this mean there is no way to use it from Java? That it hasn't been
properly wrapped yet? Or am I missing something?


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