[Insight-users] ITK and python

Olivier Tournaire olitour at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 15:42:52 EST 2008


It now seems to work setting correctly CableSwig_DIR to my local buil dir.
Long, very long, but working ...
I now have another question : what is the difference between USE_WRAP_ITK
and ITK_CSWIG_PYTHON ? Are more features available in one or another version



2008/11/4 Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr>

> Le 4 nov. 08 à 20:15, Olivier Tournaire a écrit :
>  Gaëtan,
>> I tried with cable swig and itk from the cvs repositories. CableSwig
>> compiles and installs fine. However, when I try to build ITK, with
>> ITK_CSWIG_PYTHON ON, and I get the following error :
>> [ 15%] Generating Python/itk_compile_complete
>> Listing
>> /home/olivier/work/dev/lib/itk_for_python/Insight/Wrapping/CSwig/Python ...
>> Listing
>> /home/olivier/work/dev/lib/itk_for_python/Insight/Wrapping/CSwig/Python/CVS
>> ...
>> Listing
>> /home/olivier/work/dev/lib/itk_for_python/Insight/Wrapping/CSwig/Python/InstallOnly
>> ...
>> ...
>> [ 15%] Built target itkpython_pyc
>> [ 15%] Built target install_wrapitk_compatibility
>> make[2]: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « /usr/local/bin/cswig
>> », nécessaire pour « Wrapping/CSwig/SwigRuntime/swigrunPython.cxx ». Arrêt.
>> make[1]: ***
>> [Wrapping/CSwig/SwigRuntime/CMakeFiles/SwigRuntimePython.dir/all] Erreur 2
>> make: *** [all] Erreur 2
>> Let me translate with my bad english ;-)
> I can ready french quite well ;-)
> For the non-french readers, you may want to use the command
>  LC_ALL=C make
> to build ITK, so the error message won't be translated in french.
>> make[2]: *** No rule to build target « /usr/local/bin/cswig », needed for
>> « Wrapping/CSwig/SwigRuntime/swigrunPython.cxx ». Stop.
>> CableSwig_DIR is set to /usr/local/lib/CableSwig.
>> In /usr/local/lib/CableSwig/bin/, cableidx, cswig, gccxml and
>> gccxml_cc1plus are present.
>> In /usr/local/lib/CableSwig/, CableSwigConfig.cmake is present :
>> SET(CableSwig_VERSION_MAJOR "0")
>> SET(CableSwig_VERSION_MINOR "1")
>> SET(CableSwig_VERSION_PATCH "0")
>> SET(CableSwig_cableidx_EXE "/usr/local/bin/cableidx")
>> SET(CableSwig_cswig_EXE "/usr/local/bin/cswig")
>> SET(CableSwig_gccxml_EXE "/usr/local/lib/CableSwig/bin/gccxml")
>> SET(CableSwig_DEFAULT_LIB "/usr/local/lib/CableSwig/SWIGLib")
>> No idea ... Could you please help me ?
> You can try to use cableswig directly from the build directory. I'm
> building wrappers this way most of the time, and have no problem.
> Just set CableSwig_DIR to cableswig build dir (in my case,
> /Users/glehmann/src/CableSwig/build).
> Also, you should prefer wrapitk, as it contains way must classes than the
> CSwig equivalent.
> If you build wrapitk, you have to turn OFF ITK_CSWIG_PYTHON - they are
> conflicting.
> Regards,
> Gaëtan
> --
> Gaëtan Lehmann
> Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
> INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
> tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
> http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.mandriva.org
> http://www.itk.org  http://www.clavier-dvorak.org
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