[Insight-users] NumericTraits

Luke Bloy luke.bloy at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 20:24:30 EST 2008

Hi all,

I've been looking through the NaryAddImageFilter class and have stumbled
onto complications with the NumericTraits. I have 2 general questions that
hopefully someone can help me out with.

1) how does the numericTraits tie in with concept checking?
2) How do Numeric Traits that are defined in files other than
NumericTraits.h end up being included in the filters? By this I mean things
like NumericTraitsRGB.h or NumericTraitsTensorPixel.h.

The specific problem I'm having is that the NumericTraitsTensorPixel.h only
declared symmetricTensors Not diffusionTensors so I've added what I think
are the correct definitions, but I'm still having problems.

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