[Insight-users] Read large multi-frame image frame by frame using GDCM and ImageFileReader

Iván Macía imacia at vicomtech.org
Wed Nov 26 13:27:37 EST 2008

Dear all,


We have found some large multi-frame DICOM images we need to load into our
application (about 1500x2500 and 30 frames). Until now we had not considered
multi-frame images a problem because the resolution and number of frames
tended to be low. However, right now we are facing the need to read these
images frame by frame on demand.


One problem is that GDCM tries to read all the frames when used from
ImageFileReader. Does GDCM support this frame-by-frame reading? Any ideas on
how to do this?


Thanks in advance





Iván Macía Oliver
Investigador / Researcher

Aplicaciones Biomédicas / Biomedical Applications


VICOMTech - Visual Interaction and Communication Technologies Center
Mikeletegi Pasealekua, 57 - Parque Tecnológico
E-20009 Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain
Tel: +[34] 943 30 92 30
Fax: +[34] 943 30 93 93
e-mail: imacia at vicomtech.org


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