[Insight-users] [vtkusers] Reading .mat Matlab(R) files

Jean-Pierre Roux jpr at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Fri Oct 3 12:16:24 EDT 2008

Thiebaut Mochel wrote:
> Could this be useful : http://matitk.cs.sfu.ca/ ?
I read about matitk before.
It's used to extend matlab with itk, right?
It must be great for matlab users ... but I'm not one of them : I never 
used matlab (and I don't plan to do), I was given matlab file, and I 
would like to process them with my C++ applications.
I was wonder if it it exist something like 'vtkMatlabRader' (or 
i'tkMaltab...'), or any C/C++ piece of code that fopens a .mat file, 
freads it, fseeks what it feels like, and bring into main memory the 
values the file contains.

Thx for your help, anyway.


> Jean-Pierre Roux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have tons on .mat Matlab(R) files and I would like to read them, 
>> with VTK, or ITK, or with a C++ program.
>> I wouldn't like too much to have to convert them into Dicom files 
>> (under Matlab), or to write a raw file, and add (under vi) a .mhd...
>> Any suggestion?
>> Thx a lot.
>> Jean-Pierre Roux
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