[Insight-users] itkStreamingImageFilter with itkHessianSmoothed3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Mon Oct 6 11:11:23 EDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 09:34 -0400, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> the EigenAnalysys filter may be trying to update the
> entire image unnecessarily.

Hi Moti,

This same paper caused me to try to stream some muti-scale vesselness. I
prevented whatever filter was calling for the whole image from using too
much memory by clipping both before the vesselness and after. The first
clip is padded. The results may be completely wrong but they produce
about what I expected. 

StreamedMultiScaleVesselness.cxx computes vesselness for several scales
in many pieces and saves the pieces to files. 

rescale_all.cxx rescales the pieces for one vesselness scale and
reassembles them into one image.

max.cxx takes the maximum value from two of the reassembled images.

itkImageRegionNonCubeSplitter.* is used to make exactly N roughly
rectangular roughly equaly sized image regions for the streaming and
reassembly. (I called it NonCube because the splitter it comes from will
make only N^3 pieces. I wanted exactly N for clusters.)

I hope you find this useful.
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#ifndef _itkImageRegionNonCubeSplitter_txx
#define _itkImageRegionNonCubeSplitter_txx
#include "itkImageRegionNonCubeSplitter.h"
#include <math.h>

namespace itk

template <unsigned int VImageDimension>
unsigned int 
::GetNumberOfSplits(const RegionType &region, unsigned int requestedNumber)
  const SizeType &regionSize = region.GetSize();

  // if a given region has fewer pixels than requestedNumber, then
  // only split number of pixels times
  unsigned int i, numPixels;
  numPixels = 1;
  for (i=0; i < VImageDimension; ++i)
    numPixels *= regionSize[i];
  if (numPixels > requestedNumber)
    return requestedNumber;

  return numPixels;

template <unsigned int VImageDimension>
::GetSplit(unsigned int i, unsigned int numberOfPieces,
           const RegionType &region)
  RegionType splitRegion;
  IndexType splitIndex;
  SizeType splitSize, regionSize;
  // Initialize the splitRegion to the requested region
  splitRegion = region;
  splitIndex = splitRegion.GetIndex();
  splitSize = splitRegion.GetSize();

  regionSize = region.GetSize();
  // Keep the number of pieces from going over the 
  // number of pixels.
  // The user will probably be surprised by this.
  unsigned long numPixels;
  numPixels = 1;
  for ( unsigned long dim = 0;
    dim < VImageDimension; 
    ++dim )
    numPixels *= regionSize[dim];
  if ( numberOfPieces > numPixels )
    numberOfPieces = numPixels;

  // I'm not as smart as whoever wrote the VTK splitter.
  // I'm going to make a big array of sizes and indecies 
  // and search through it a lot. I'll justify it by 
  // saying that hopefully I'll need all of the splits 
  // at once.

  // For some reason I can't make an array of RegionType, IndexType, 
  // or even SizeType::SizeValueType.
  typedef itk::Array< unsigned long > ArrayOfSizeType;
  ArrayOfSizeType sizes( numberOfPieces * VImageDimension );

  typedef itk::Array< unsigned long > ArrayOfIndexType;
  ArrayOfIndexType indecies( numberOfPieces * VImageDimension );

  unsigned long num_pieces_so_far = 0;

  // Set the first piece.
  for (unsigned long dim = 0; dim < VImageDimension; ++dim)
    sizes[ num_pieces_so_far * VImageDimension + dim ] 
      = region.GetSize()[ dim ];

    indecies[ num_pieces_so_far * VImageDimension + dim ] 
      = region.GetIndex()[ dim ];

  // Split untill we've made the right number.
  while ( num_pieces_so_far < numberOfPieces )
    // Find the longest dim.
    unsigned long long_dim = 0;
    unsigned long long_dim_piece = 0;
    unsigned long long_dim_dim = 0;
    // Loop over image dim
    for ( unsigned long dim = 0;
      dim < VImageDimension;
      ++dim )
      // Loop over piece
      for ( unsigned long piece = 0;
        piece < num_pieces_so_far;
        ++piece )
        // Check the dim size
        if ( sizes[piece * VImageDimension + dim] > long_dim )
          long_dim = sizes[piece * VImageDimension + dim];
          long_dim_piece = piece;
          long_dim_dim = dim;
          } // End if long_dim
        } // End for piece
      } // End for dim
    // Copy the longest piece
    for ( unsigned long dim = 0;
      dim < VImageDimension;
      ++dim )
      sizes[num_pieces_so_far * VImageDimension + dim] 
        = sizes[long_dim_piece * VImageDimension + dim];
      indecies[num_pieces_so_far * VImageDimension + dim] 
        = indecies[long_dim_piece * VImageDimension + dim];
    // Split the longest dim of the copy
    sizes[num_pieces_so_far * VImageDimension + long_dim_dim] 
      -= sizes[long_dim_piece * VImageDimension + long_dim_dim] / 2;
    indecies[num_pieces_so_far * VImageDimension + long_dim_dim] 
      += sizes[long_dim_piece * VImageDimension + long_dim_dim] / 2;
    // Split the origional piece
    sizes[long_dim_piece * VImageDimension + long_dim_dim] /= 2;
    } // End while num_pieces_so_far

  // Copy out the piece
  for ( unsigned long dim = 0; dim < VImageDimension; ++dim )
    splitIndex[dim] = indecies[i * VImageDimension + dim];
    splitSize[dim] = sizes[i * VImageDimension + dim];
  // set the split region ivars
  splitRegion.SetIndex( splitIndex );
  splitRegion.SetSize( splitSize );

  itkDebugMacro("  Split Piece: " << std::endl << splitRegion );

  return splitRegion;

template <unsigned int VImageDimension>
::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const

} // end namespace itk

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