[Insight-users] transform inverse?

Hegenbart, Lars Lars.Hegenbart at hs.fzk.de
Thu Oct 9 10:41:14 EDT 2008

Hi Luis, hi Aviv, 

I really appreciate your answers. I hope my questions are not too stupid. Thank you very much!! 

Does the "backward warping" principle apply to all registration methods? 

I tried to apply the transformation results from an ICP-Point-Point-Registration (IterativeClosestPoint3.cxx) to a 3D-image. It seems - if I did not make a mistake (and my ITK-experience is still little) - that I get the "forward warping" transform.

So my question is: Does the "backward warping" principle also apply to the ICP-Registration?

Thanks for your answer in advance!

Best regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2008 18:38
An: Hegenbart, Lars
Cc: Aviv Hurvitz; Insight Users
Betreff: Re: [Insight-users] transform inverse?

Hi Lars,

The reason for using this direction of mapping is simple:

     This the direction that will make possible for you to
     resample the moving image into the coordinate system
     of the Fixed image without having any holes (empty
     pixels) in the resulting deformed Moving image.

As Aviv pointed out, we explained this in detail in the ITK
Software Guide.

Note that with this method, you can take the transform that
results from a registration process, and *directly* use it
as the transform in a ResampleImageFilter. There is no need
for inverting the transform at any point in time.

Please read that section in the ITK Software Guide
and let us know if you have any questions.



Lars Hegenbart wrote:
> Thank you for clarifying this!
> I am still confused about this. Is there a reason, why ITK does it  this 
> way?
> And how about a transform, determined by registration?
> Will it give me the appropriate transform for backward warping with  
> ResampleImageFilter or do I have to invert the matrix somehow to apply  
> the transform to my moving image, in order that it aligns with my  fixed 
> image?
> Thanks in advance for your hints!
> Lars
> Am 06.10.2008 um 17:55 schrieb Aviv Hurvitz:
>> Hi,
>> If I understand correctly, you expected your transform to be applied  
>> to the input image. This is called "forwards warping".
>> In ITK, the ResampleImageFilter does "backwards warping": it uses  the 
>> transform to go from the OUTPUT image to the INPUT image. In  your 
>> case, the output pixel at 1,1,1 takes its color from 2,2,2, the  
>> output pixel at 2,2,2 takes its color from 4,4,4, etc. Your affine  
>> transform gives you a half-sized image.
>> Hope that explains it.
>> - Aviv
>> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Hegenbart, Lars 
>> <Lars.Hegenbart at hs.fzk.de > wrote:
>> Dear ITK-community,
>> I am defining an affine transform with [2, 0, 0,  0, 2, 0,  0, 0, 2,
>> 0, 0, 0], basically a stretch of factor 2 in all 3 dimensions. I  want to
>> apply it to an input image to create an output image with same
>> parameters (spacing, etc.). I end up getting an output which is scaled
>> by a factor of 0.5 instead of 2. If I choose 0.5 in the diagonal of  the
>> matrix of the affine transform, I end up with the wanted result.
>> It seems somehow to be inverted. What's wrong or is that normal?
>> Thanks for any hints.
>> Best regards
>> Lars
>> PS: here some relevant code parts:
>>        typedef itk::Image< unsigned char, Dimension > InputImageType;
>>        typedef itk::Image< unsigned char, Dimension > OutputImageType;
>>        InputImageType::Pointer i_image;
>>        OutputImageType::Pointer o_image;
>>        InputImageType::SpacingType spacing;
>>        spacing[0] = 6; //spacing along x
>>        spacing[1] = 6; //spacing along y
>>        spacing[2] = 6; //spacing along z
>>        i_image->SetSpacing(spacing);
>>        InputImageType::PointType origin;
>>        origin[0] = 0;
>>        origin[1] = 0;
>>        origin[2] = 0;
>>        i_image->SetOrigin(origin);
>>        InputImageType::SizeType size;
>>        size[0] = 100; // size along x
>>        size[1] = 100; // size along y
>>        size[2] = 100; // size along z
>>        typedef itk::AffineTransform< double, Dimension >
>> TransformType;
>>        TransformType::Pointer transform;
>>        typedef TransformType::ParametersType     ParametersType;
>>        const unsigned int numberOfParameters = transform-
>> >GetNumberOfParameters();
>>        ParametersType parameters( numberOfParameters );
>>        parameters_affine[ 0]=  2;
>>        parameters_affine[ 1]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[ 2]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[ 3]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[ 4]=  2;
>>        parameters_affine[ 5]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[ 6]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[ 7]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[ 8]=  2;
>>        parameters_affine[ 9]=  0;
>>        parameters_affine[10]= 0;
>>        parameters_affine[11]= 0;
>>        transform->SetParameters( parameters);
>>        typedef itk::ResampleImageFilter< InputImageType,
>> OutputImageType >
>> FilterType;
>>        FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
>>        filter->SetTransform(transform);
>>        typedef itk::NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction<
>> InputImageType, double > InterpolatorType;
>>        InterpolatorType::Pointer interpolator =
>> InterpolatorType::New();
>>        filter->SetInterpolator(interpolator);
>>        filter->SetDefaultPixelValue(0);
>>        filter->SetOutputSpacing(i_image->GetSpacing()); // same  spacing
>> like InputImage
>>        filter->SetOutputOrigin(i_image->GetOrigin()); // same like
>> InputImage
>>        filter->SetSize(size); // same like InputImage
>>        filter->SetInput(i_image);
>>        o_image = filter->GetOutput();
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> -------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Lars Hegenbart
> Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
> in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
> Abteilung HS/KES
> Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
> 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
> Germany
> Tel. +49-7247-82-3419
> lars.hegenbart at kit.edu
> http://www.hs-kes.de
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