[Insight-users] ITK example that sums multiple metaheader images

Stéphane CALANDE scalande at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 05:00:35 EDT 2008

Hi Luis, hi everybody...

I have little problems with the program I created to add my images (see
former mail) : in fact I badly expressed myself.
I don't want a program that "sums" my 3D metaheaders images, but I want a
program that give, as output, a file containing a MEAN of the images.

If I have 10 images represented by different "grey-level", the image I want
is an other "grey-level" one (but now the problem is that the output image
is black and white, probably because of the SUM, isn't it?)

Luis, I'd like to know if the program you gave me (just under this mail) can
resolve that problem ?

I'm trying to compile it but the variable "adder" is undeclared... What is
the type of "adder" ? Can you help me ?

Thank you very much !!


2008/10/16 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>

> Hi Stéphane
> It should be relatively straight forward to implement this.
> Put the list of filenames in an array of std::strings called
> "name" and do the following:
>    reader->SetFileName( name[0] );
>    reader->Update();
>    ImageType::Pointer inputImage1 = reader->GetOutput();
>    adder->SetInput1( inputImage1 );
>    for( int i=0; i<numberOfFiles; i++)
>      {
>      reader->SetFileName( name[i] );
>      reader->Update();
>      ImageType::Pointer inputImage2 = reader->GetOutput();
>      inputImage2->DisconnectPipeline();
>      adder->SetInput2( inputImage2 );
>      adder->Update();
>      ImageType::Pointer sumImage = adder->GetOutput();
>      sumImage->DisconnectPipeline();
>      adder->SetInput1( sumImage );
>      }
>   // Here  sumImage has the output.
> Note the use of the DisconnectPipeline() method, that
> makes possible to reuse the reader and the adder filter.
> Regards,
>   Luis
> -------------------------
> Stéphane CALANDE wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a newbie in ITK and I'm looking for a example of program that takes,
>> as input, several 3D metaheader image (.mhd) having the same spacing,
>> size,... and that "sums" these images to create one "total_Image.mhd" having
>> the same size, spacing,... than the input ones.
>> Does it exist ?
>> Thank you very much.
>> Regards,
>> Stéphane
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