[Insight-users] ITK example that sums multiple metaheader images

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 06:36:47 EDT 2008

Hi Stéphane,

You probably want the MeanImageFilter:

You can use it in the same way as the add image filter that Luis
described in his reply to your original question.

   reader->SetFileName( name[0] );
   ImageType::Pointer inputImage1 = reader->GetOutput();
   mean->SetInput1( inputImage1 );

   for( int i=1; i<numberOfFiles; i++)
     reader->SetFileName( name[i] );
     ImageType::Pointer inputImage2 = reader->GetOutput();
     mean>SetInput2( inputImage2 );
     ImageType::Pointer sumImage = adder->GetOutput();
     mean->SetInput1( meanImage );

  // Here  meanImage has the output.

Alternatively, you could use the DivideImageFilter after you have
computed the sum:

Hope this helps.

Regards, Dan

2008/10/22 Stéphane CALANDE <scalande at gmail.com>:
> Finally, I think that "itkAddImageFilter" is not what I need.
> Which function can I use to create a program that takes multiple 3D
> images.mhd as input and create as output one 3D image.mhd containing the
> average(mean) of the multiple images ?
> Any help is appreciated...
> Thank you !
> Stéphane
> 2008/10/22 Stéphane CALANDE <scalande at gmail.com>
>> Hi Luis, hi everybody...
>> I have little problems with the program I created to add my images (see
>> former mail) : in fact I badly expressed myself.
>> I don't want a program that "sums" my 3D metaheaders images, but I want a
>> program that give, as output, a file containing a MEAN of the images.
>> If I have 10 images represented by different "grey-level", the image I
>> want is an other "grey-level" one (but now the problem is that the output
>> image is black and white, probably because of the SUM, isn't it?)
>> Luis, I'd like to know if the program you gave me (just under this mail)
>> can resolve that problem ?
>> I'm trying to compile it but the variable "adder" is undeclared... What is
>> the type of "adder" ? Can you help me ?
>> Thank you very much !!
>> Stéphane
>> 2008/10/16 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>>> Hi Stéphane
>>> It should be relatively straight forward to implement this.
>>> Put the list of filenames in an array of std::strings called
>>> "name" and do the following:
>>>    reader->SetFileName( name[0] );
>>>    reader->Update();
>>>    ImageType::Pointer inputImage1 = reader->GetOutput();
>>>    adder->SetInput1( inputImage1 );
>>>    for( int i=0; i<numberOfFiles; i++)
>>>      {
>>>      reader->SetFileName( name[i] );
>>>      reader->Update();
>>>      ImageType::Pointer inputImage2 = reader->GetOutput();
>>>      inputImage2->DisconnectPipeline();
>>>      adder->SetInput2( inputImage2 );
>>>      adder->Update();
>>>      ImageType::Pointer sumImage = adder->GetOutput();
>>>      sumImage->DisconnectPipeline();
>>>      adder->SetInput1( sumImage );
>>>      }
>>>   // Here  sumImage has the output.
>>> Note the use of the DisconnectPipeline() method, that
>>> makes possible to reuse the reader and the adder filter.
>>> Regards,
>>>   Luis
>>> -------------------------
>>> Stéphane CALANDE wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm a newbie in ITK and I'm looking for a example of program that takes,
>>>> as input, several 3D metaheader image (.mhd) having the same spacing,
>>>> size,... and that "sums" these images to create one "total_Image.mhd" having
>>>> the same size, spacing,... than the input ones.
>>>> Does it exist ?
>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Stéphane
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