[Insight-users] build ManagedITK- error

Huang, Tsung Min s94213003 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 14:58:58 EDT 2008

I use Visual Studio 2005 to build ManagedItTK-
If I use cmake default setting I can build it successfully. But when I
choice all wrap variable,I have error message like:

error C2039: 'PrintType' : is not a member
	c:\program files\insighttoolkit-3.6.0\include\insighttoolkit\basicfilters\itkConstantPadImageFilter.txx	51

Can any one  tell me where is the problem?
Should I use itk before 3.6.0 ?
How should I configure cmake wrap variabels?

Thank for your help.

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