[Insight-users] Help using ConnectedRegionsMeshFilter

Eliana Vasquez Osorio e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl
Thu Sep 25 09:00:11 EDT 2008

Hello itk-users,

I'm trying to divide connected regions on a mesh (which I get from 
I can't figure how to get the different regions.  I'm using 
SetExtractionModeToAllRegions(), and I thought I could get the different 
meshes by using GetOutput(i).... but up to this point, it does not work.

I wonder if anyone has worked with ConnectedRegionsMeshFilter before, 
and if so, do you have some example code?  I checked on tests/examples 
and Insight Applications for some code using it, but I could not find 
something of use.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Eliana M. Vásquez Osorio
PhD Student (OIO)
Erasmus Medical Center - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center
Department of Radiation Oncology
Groene Hilledijk 301 
3075 EA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 10 70 41 491
F: +31 10 70 41 012
E-mail: e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl

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