[Insight-users] gamma parameter in VED by R. Manniesing et al.

Oleksandr Dzyubak adzyubak at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 12:42:23 EDT 2009

Dear Rashindra, Luis and ITK users,

I am trying to use VED (by R. Manniesing et al.) for denoising tubular 
like objects
and in particular I would like to suppress background over foreground.
 From the publication I found that it could be controlled through the 
Gamma parameter.
I tried to vary Gamma in a quite wide range and I did find any 
reasonable difference in the output images.

How can I increase the algorithms sensitivity to the gamma
or it is controlled by another parameter (or combination)? Which one?
Does gamma depend on the pixel size? In what manner if yes?



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