[Insight-users] B spline interpolation coefficients

Daphne Wallach Daphne.Wallach at etudiant.univ-brest.fr
Mon Apr 20 12:24:55 EDT 2009


I wondered if it is possible to access the interpolation coefficients  
when doing a bspline interpolation ?

I use the class "BSplineInterpolateImageFunction", and it seems like  
the interpolation coefficients are stored in the protected attribute  

Am I right ? I tried to create a class deriving from  
"BSplineInterpolateImageFunction" that can use "m_Coefficients", but  
the continuous image I created from these coefficients did not match  
my original image. If this is the way to access the interpolation  
coefficients, how can they be used ? And if it isn't, then how can I  
access them ?

Thank you for your help,

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