[Insight-users] Warning in DeformableRegistration1

Serena Fabbri fabbri at u.washington.edu
Tue Apr 21 19:39:04 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I am using DeformableRegistration1 to register my MRI images.
I get this message for 5 times:

WARNING: In ~/InsightToolkit-3.10.0/Code/IO/itkAnalyzeImageIO.cxx, line 1345
AnalyzeImageIO (0x1005400): ERROR: Analyze 7.5 File Format Only Allows RPI, PIR, and RIP Orientation (I am using ITK 3.10.0)

The registration appears good....I'd like to know if this is true or if the mismatch in the image orientation between ITK and Analyze can ruin the registration.

Does anyone have some ideas?

Thanks a lot.


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