[Insight-users] Segmentation of 3D MicroCT images

shoosh moosh babygirl_25 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 28 13:08:34 EDT 2009

I have 3D microCT images that I'm trying to segment. I'm trying to use the Application in ITK:
Geodesic Active Contour Segmentation 

Shape Detection Level Set   Segmentation 

Fast Marching Level Set Segmentation 

Region Growing Segmentation 

Alfter building the application Geodesic Active Contour Segmentation, I ran the GUI and was able to load the image.  However, I don't know what values to set for the Sigma of the Gradient Magnitude, the alpha and beta for the linear+Sigmoid, and the time threshold for the Fast Marching. The default values in the GUI are as follows:
Time threshold=5.0

I don't know if these values are appropriate for a 3D (short) image type. I get this error and I'm not sure why:

shoosh at shoosh-laptop:~/InsightApplications-bin/GeodesicActiveContour$ ./GeodesicActiveContour 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
  what():  /home/shoosh/InsightToolkit-3.10.2/Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer.txx:194:
Failed to allocate memory for image.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

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