[Insight-users] Example for visualizing Deformation Vector Fields with paraview 3.6.1

Maja Temerinac-Ott temerina at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Mon Aug 3 12:30:33 EDT 2009


I would like to visulize the deformation vector field e.g. produced by

output_Deformable2.mha output_DeformationFieldFile.vtk

with paraview 3.6.1. The Options described in the ITK-Softwareguide for 
using paraview are not available in this newst version of paraview.  How 
can I visualize vector fields with paraview 3.6.1.? In particular, how 
can I apply the threshold filter? If I use the image 
output_DeformationFieldFile.vtk this filter is not available.

I would appreciate a simple example.

Best regards,


Dipl.-Inf. Maja Temerinac-Ott                          
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg      
Institut fuer Informatik                    
Lehrstuhl fuer Mustererkennung und Bildverarbeitung
Georges-Koehler-Allee Geb. 052
79110 Freiburg                
Phone: +49-(0)761-203-8275
Secr.: +49-(0)761-203-8260
Fax: +49-(0)761-203-8262
mailto:temerina at informatik.uni-freiburg.de

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