[Insight-users] Re : Fwd: Re : Need to correct this example

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 17:40:45 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Syrine Sahmim<syrine.sahmim at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Hi John,
> it's me again
> if i have a dicom series( a directory) how can i do to put it in command
> argument .i want to read the serie of 3D dicom
> i haven't just a file a have a directory

In the original code you posted in this thread.

nameGenerator->SetDirectory( argv[1] );

This line tells me that the first argument is a folder. If you have
spaces in the path use quotes.

Something like


would be fine for the first argument. That is after you fix your code
to remove the following lines:

  argc = 2;
    argv[1] = "dicom";
    argv[2] = "dicomMRA.hdr";

Then you have to remember to pass the rest of the arguments.

In the following lines I believe you skipped argv[2]

  std::string seriesIdentifier;

    if( argc > 3 ) // If no optional series identifier
      seriesIdentifier = argv[3];
      seriesIdentifier = seriesUID.begin()->c_str();

You probably want to remove this unless you store more than 1 series
in a folder and replace the above lines with just

   std::string seriesIdentifier;
   seriesIdentifier = seriesUID.begin()->c_str();

Then you used argv[3] and argv[4]

const double gaussianVariance = atof( argv[3] );
const unsigned int maxKernelWidth = atoi( argv[4] );

In this case you should probably change this to (if you got rid of
argv[3] in the step above for seriesIdentifier)

const double gaussianVariance = atof( argv[2] );
  const unsigned int maxKernelWidth = atoi( argv[3] );

I hope this gets you on the right track. This is all the time I have
for this at the moment.


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