[Insight-users] ITK_USE_REVIEW_STATISTICS compilation glitch when Tcl wrapping is generated as well

Greg Harris Gregory-Harris at uiowa.edu
Fri Aug 7 17:20:40 EDT 2009

Oops, I think I misdiagnosed it:  in Code/Review/Statistics, the files
itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator.{h,txx} do not agree when
Around the .h prototypes to match the .txx implementations.

My bad.

On 8/7/09 3:17 PM, "Greg Harris" <Gregory-Harris at uiowa.edu> wrote:

> Dear Insight user's help list:
> I have been compiling ITK with the ITK_USE_REVIEW_STATISTICS flag ON, and
> with wrapping of Tcl turned ON as well.  Along the way, there is this
> glitch:
> While linking a library to include the glue for the wrapping file
> WrapITK/Modules/Calculators/wrap_itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator.cmake
> the method functions for SetHistogramMax and SetHistogramMin have no
> implementation.  Rightly so, but there should be no wrapped methods for
> them.
> On the face of it, the two versions of ScalarImageToHistogramGenerator,
> Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator.{h,txx} and
> Code/Review/Statistics/itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator.{h,txx} are both
> available to the wrapping compiler, but only the standard version has Set
> methods for HistogramMin and HistogramMax.
> Since I don't know why -- apparently only in this one case of superceding an
> itk class definition with a Review method, which happens all the time -- the
> Tcl glue-interface is being generated for the standard class by that name
> and then linked against the review definition of the same class name, I have
> temporarily adopted the expedient of renaming
> wrap_itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator.cmake to a safe place nearby so the
> entire class's glue code won't be generated at all.
> This won't do for the long run as we would like to wrap the Review version
> of ScalarImageToHistogramGenerator, and we would not like to tamper with the
> source download each time.  I know I could devise a patch that modifies the
> Code/Numerics/Statistics copy, but why are we dealing with it at all, after
> Should I have a sinking fear that Whenever people supercede a class
> implementation with a Review version, the non-Review version is driving the
> Tcl wrapper glue generation?  That would be wrong; it would need serious
> fixing, even if this is the first known case where it has made a difference.
> I hope someone who knows what's what will kindly help us with this.
> Greg Harris
> Brain Imaging Application Developer
> Iowa Psychiatric Neuroimaging Consortium
> Carver College of Medicine
> The University of Iowa
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