[Insight-users] PTX reader class

David Doria daviddoria+itk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 15:16:06 EDT 2009

I am trying to make a new class: itkPTXImageIO (derived from
itkImageIOBase). A ptx file is very simple, basically something like this

ASCII Header
x y z i r g b
x y z i r g b
x y z i r g b
x y z i r g b
ad. nausium...

My current reader uses getline() to get the lines and then parses them. What
I want to do is have a class:

namespace itk

    class PTXPoint
            typedef itk::Point<double, 3> PointType;
            typedef itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char> ColorType;

            PointType Point;
            ColorType Color;
            double Intensity;

} //end itk namespace

and store an instance of that class in every pixel of an
itkImage<itkPTXPoint, 2>. What I've gathered about the current framework is
that the itkImageFileReader has a member variable of an ImageIOBase. It then
calls the Read() function of which ever derived class you specify, which
fills a void* buffer. Everything seems to need to know the number of bytes
required so a big buffer of the correct size can be declared (which I guess
is very fitting for binary reading).

It seems like the way I want to read and fill (image(0,0) = FirstLine;
Image(0,1) = SecondLine; etc) the image may not fit into the framework? I
guess the part that is missing is how to access the pixels of the
ImageIOBase in itkImageFileReader from the Read() function of itkPTXImageIO?

Any suggestions?


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