[Insight-users] Deformation vectors in the BSplineDeformationTransform?

motes motes mort.motes at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 09:19:45 EDT 2009


In your reply you write:

"Mapping the moving image onto the fixed image is much easier when you
simply have to iterate over the pixels / voxels of the fixed image,
and for each pixel / voxel you have a vector pointing to the position
in the moving domain that you have to interpolate.  For example, for a
2D case, you'd have a stock-standard double nested loop (rows /
columns) for the fixed image, at each position you'd look up the
corresponding vector, use that to determine the position in the moving
space, interpolate the moving image pixel, then put that at your
current position in the fixed image."

But on page 227 in the itkSoftwareGuide it says:

"Probably the most important thing to keep in mind when resampling
images is that the transform
is used to map points from the output image space into the input image
space. In this case,
Figure 6.42 shows that the translation is applied to every point of
the output image and the
resulting position is used to read the intensity from the input image."

But maybe you assume that the moving image is the input image and the
fixed inmage is the output image in the transform?

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Charl Botha <c.p.botha at tudelft.nl> wrote:
> Kids today don't know how to use the internet anymore. :)
> One goes to the ITK mailing list archives at
> http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/ , and with a few clicks
> one arrives here:
> http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2009-August/032161.html
> 2009/8/18 motes motes <mort.motes at gmail.com>:
> > Any ideas on how I can find this post? I have tried search for:
> >
> > "Understanding why the direction of the transform mapping is from fixed to
> > moving image"
> >
> > on this page:
> >
> >
> > http://www.google.com/advanced_search?as_sitesearch=www.itk.org&as_epq=insight-users
> >
> > But I cannot find the post from Ende.

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