[Insight-users] New elastix release 4.2

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 12:22:59 EDT 2009


I just added elastix to the itk 3rd party applications list:



2009/8/18  <M.Staring at lumc.nl>:
> Dear list-subscribers,
> We are proud to announce a new release of elastix: elastix 4.2 !
> Elastix is a software package for image registration, based on the ITK. The
> software consists of a collection of algorithms that are commonly used to
> solve medical image registration problems. The modular design of elastix
> allows the user to quickly configure, test, and compare different
> registration methods for a specific application. In addition to the existing
> ITK image registration classes, elastix implements new functionality. The
> most important enhancements are
> - A modular framework for sampling strategies.
> - More optimisers: Kiefer-Wolfowitz, Robbins-Monro, adaptive stochastic
> gradient descent, evolutionary strategy.
> - Complete rework of existing ITK optimisers, adding more user control and
> better error handling: quasi-Newton, nonlinear conjugate gradient.
> - Several new or more flexible cost functions: (normalised) mutual
> information, implemented with Parzen windowing similar to [45], multifeature
> α-mutual information, bending energy penalty term, rigidity penalty term.
> - The ability to concatenate any number of geometric transformations.
> - The transformations support computation of not only ∂T/∂μ, but also of
> spatial derivatives ∂T/∂x and ∂2T/∂x2, and their derivatives to μ,
> frequently required for the computation of regularisation terms.
> Additionally, the compact support of certain transformations is integrated
> more generally.
> - Linear combinations of cost functions, instead of just a single cost
> function.
>  Elastix can be downloaded from the website, under the very open BSD
> license, see:
>     http://elastix.isi.uu.nl/
> We have updated quite some components in this new release compared to
> elastix 4.1, and also added a few. The most important changes are:
> - The implementation of spatial derivatives in all transform classes. This
> enables the computation of many regularisation (penalty) terms in a general
> way.
> - A general way of dealing with sparse Jacobians, so that for example much
> less B-spline specific code is needed anymore.
> - The adaptive stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) optimization routine is
> now usable for much larger registration problems. (It used to crash when the
> number of parameters was larger than 10 000.)
> - We added the following components: WeightedCombinationTransform,
> SplineKernelTransform (which implements a ThinPlateSpline,
> ElasticBodySpline, VolumeSpline, and an ElasticBodyReciprocalSpline),
> TransformRigidityPenalty, TransformBendingEnergyPenalty,
> DisplacementMagnitudePenalty.
> A more complete list of changes can be found at the website:
>     http://elastix.isi.uu.nl/whatsnew_04_2.php
> If you find any bugs or have comments on this new release, please contact us
> through the mailinglist:
>     elastix at bigr.nl
> We are also looking for a volunteer to build MacOSX binaries for us, so we
> can place them on the website.
> Enjoy elastix!
> Stefan Klein and Marius Staring
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