[Insight-users] Problems with the orthogonal rotation matrix in versorRigid3DTransform
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Dec 1 19:38:34 EST 2009
Hi Patrik,
Thanks for posting your code and the data.
Two things that you should try:
A) In your code, please insert a line:
before each line that prints transform parameters.
for an explanation, please look at
Or (exclusive or)
B) You may want to try the classes
that you will find in the directory
simply reconfigure ITK with CMake and turn ON
the CMake variables
For an example of use of these classes, please see
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Patrik Brynolfsson
<patrik.brynolfsson at radfys.umu.se> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using version ITK 3.16.
> The code for writing to file is very simple and the relevant code is
> attached below:
> /* Get relevant parameters*/
> TransformType::MatrixType matrix = transform->GetRotationMatrix();
> TransformType::OffsetType offset = transform->GetOffset();
> TransformType::MatrixType invMatrix = matrix.GetInverse();
> TransformType::ParametersType finalParameters = transform->GetParameters();
> /* Write to file */
> std::ofstream trans(fileName,std::ios::app);
> trans << "Image: " << imageNumber << std::endl;
> trans << "\tMatrix:" << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << matrix[0][0] <<" "<< matrix[0][1] <<" "<< matrix [0][2]
> << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << matrix[1][0] <<" "<< matrix[1][1] <<" "<< matrix [1][2]
> << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << matrix[2][0] <<" "<< matrix[2][1] <<" "<< matrix [2][2]
> << std::endl << std::endl;
> trans << "\tInverse matrix:" << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << invMatrix[0][0] <<" "<< invMatrix[0][1] <<" "<< invMatrix
> [0][2] << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << invMatrix[1][0] <<" "<< invMatrix[1][1] <<" "<< invMatrix
> [1][2] << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << invMatrix[2][0] <<" "<< invMatrix[2][1] <<" "<< invMatrix
> [2][2] << std::endl << std::endl;
> trans << "\tOffset vector:" << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << offset[0]<<" "<<offset[1]<<" "<<offset[2]<< std::endl <<
> std::endl;
> trans << "\tVersor transform:" << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << finalParameters[0]<<" "<<finalParameters[1]<<"
> "<<finalParameters[2]<<" "<< finalParameters[3] <<" "<<finalParameters[4]
> <<" "<<finalParameters[5] <<std::endl << std::endl;
> trans << "\tCenter of Rotation:" << std::endl;
> trans << "\t\t" << transform->GetCenter()[0] <<" " <<
> transform->GetCenter()[1] <<" "<< transform->GetCenter()[2]<< std::endl <<
> std::endl;
> A result file might look like:
> Image: 1
> Matrix:
> 0.99998 -0.00105588 -0.00631213
> 0.00111111 0.999961 0.00875183
> 0.00630265 -0.00875866 0.999942
> Inverse matrix:
> 0.99998 0.00111111 0.00630265
> -0.00105588 0.999961 -0.00875866
> -0.00631213 0.00875183 0.999942
> Offset vector:
> 0.453916 -0.946682 0.388294
> Versor transform:
> -0.00437769 -0.00315374 0.000541755 0.259976 -0.727504 0.0970571
> Center of Rotation:
> -1.96057 31.6714 25.4334
> I hope this helps to fix the problem!
> Regards
> Patrik
> 2009/11/30 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>> Hi Patrik,
>> 1) What version of ITK are you using ?
>> 2) The error that you are getting indicates that the
>> matrix is non-orthogonal "to a certain precision level".
>> 3) It would seem that the file where the transform
>> is saved is not using all the required precision.
>> This is a common problem when writing float/double
>> numbers as text.
>> Could you please post to the mailing list the Transform
>> file that is not working for loading ?
>> We can use it to track down the location where the
>> precision is being lost at the moment of writing.
>> Most likely what we need to fix is the "precision"
>> modifier of the ostream that is writing the data out.
>> --
>> If you are in a hurry, a work around would be for
>> you to "manually" save the array of parameters
>> of the transform. This will be more stable, since
>> it is saved as:
>> Three Versor components for the rotation and
>> Three Vector components for the translation,
>> and, don't forget to save also the Fixed parameters
>> that will consist of the three components of the
>> center of rotation.
>> Thanks
>> Luis
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Patrik Brynolfsson
>> <patrik.brynolfsson at radfys.umu.se> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > I'm performing 3D rigid registration using the versorRigid3DTransform on
>> > a
>> > lot of images and save the resulting versors, rotation matrices, center
>> > of
>> > rotation and translations vectors in a text file connected to each
>> > image. My
>> > problem is that when I read the rotation matrix from file to perform the
>> > actual transform ITK complains, saying:
>> > "itk::ERROR: VersorRigid3DTransform(031BFC78): Attempting to set a
>> > non-orthogonal rotation matrix"
>> > It is the same matrix that ITK returned when the original registration
>> > was
>> > performed. How do I solve this?
>> > Thanks in advance,
>> > --
>> > Patrik Brynolfsson
>> >
>> >
>> >
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> --
> Patrik Brynolfsson
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