[Insight-users] Interpolation Volume

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Dec 8 08:02:41 EST 2009

Hi Gupt,

This error is usually produced when you attempt to "reuse" a
reader to load two images of different size, one after another.

For example:



The simple solution is to call "UpdateLargestPossibleRegion()"
instead of calling the typical "Update()" method.

So your code your look more like:



Please let us know if that helps,



On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Gupt <adityargupta at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working with ImageSeriesReadWrite.cxx example from ITK user guide. I'm
> trying to build the 3d volume from a set of 2d mri images - file280054.jpg
> to file280062.jpg. But I'm receiving the following error:
> ExceptionObject Caught!
> itk:ExceptionObject <0134F560>
> itk::Location: "void __thiscall itk::ImageFileWriter<class
> itk::Image<unsigned
> char,3> >::Write(void)"
> File: c:\itk\insight_toolkit\code\io\itkImageFileWriter.txx
> Line: 271
> Description: itk::ERROR: ImageFileWriter(01934508): Largest possible region
> does not fully contain requested paste IO regionPaste IO region:
> ImageIORegion (0134F998)
>  Dimension: 3
>  Index: 0 0 0
>  Size: 0 0 0
> Largest possible region: ImageRegion (0134FA4C)
>  Dimension: 3
>  Index: [0, 0, 0]
>  Size: [0, 0, 0]
> Thanks for your help.
> Gupt
> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>> Hi Gupt,
>> We no longer make any difference between a sequence of 2D slices
>> and a 3D volume... unless.... they are not aligned, or... the spacing in
>> the inter-slice direction is more than 5 times the intra-slice spacing.
>> If you have segmentations for all the 2D slices, you can simply load them
>> all into a single 3D image using an ImageSeriesReader, and then you
>> can process it as a 3D volume.  More specifically, you can proceed to
>> compute its volume by using the LabelStatisticsImageFilter.
>>      Regards,
>>            Luis
>> --------------------------------
>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Aditya Gupta <adityargupta at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Luis,
>>> Thanks for the reply. In continuation to my previous question... So using
>>> the stack of 2d MRI slices, I've a certain segmentation on each of the
>>> slices and using the segmented output I've built a surface model and now
>>> I've incorporated the intensities of the slices in the surface model.
>>> Now,
>>> I'm interested to find the volume of the segmented region. So, using the
>>> segmented outputs from the various slices, I want to reconstruct a
>>> volume,
>>> compute and finally visualize the volume. Can you give me a start on how
>>> I
>>> can proceed? Is it possible to build a 3d volume (not surface model) from
>>> a
>>> stack of 2d slices (only one axial view not 3 views)? Are there any
>>> standard
>>> algorithms being used for construction of 3d volumes from 2d slices?
>>> Appreciate your help in this matter.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gupt
>>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi  Gupt,
>>>> Yes, just do the following:
>>>> A) Load the 2D slices into a single 3D image using the
>>>>     itk::ImageSeriesReader,
>>>> B) Connect the image an ImageInterpolator
>>>>     The typical choice is the itkLinearImageInterpolateFunction class,
>>>>     (but you can also use NearestNeighbors, BSpline and
>>>>      WindowedSinc, it is a trade-off between computation time and
>>>>      interpolation precision)
>>>> C) Take all the points from your surface model and for every
>>>>     point call the method:
>>>>       PixelType  pixelValue =    Interpolator->Evaluate( point )
>>>>    and then assign that pixel value to the corresponding point
>>>>    in the surface model.
>>>>  Please let us know if you run into any problem.
>>>>       Thanks
>>>>          Luis
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Gupt <adityargupta at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > I've a stack of 2d cardiac mri images in single view. I've written the
>>>> > code
>>>> > to do a surface reconstruction of the left ventricle wall of the heart
>>>> > (looks like a hollow cylinder). Is there a method/ function to
>>>> > incorporate
>>>> > the intensity information (in the 2d slices) in to the model, like
>>>> some
>>>> > kind
>>>> > of interpolation to obtain intensity between the slices? Thanks for
>>>> the
>>>> > help.
>>>> > --
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>>>> >
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>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Aditya Gupta, Ph.D.
>>> Post Doc Researcher
>>> UCF Computer Vision Lab
>>> Orlando, FL
>>> O: (407) 882 0130
>>> M: (407) 451 7735
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