[Insight-users] Image index limits

Oleksandr Dzyubak adzyubak at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 16:37:44 EST 2009

Dear users,

I tried to process the 1340x1300x720 pixel image and after the slice #104 I
am getting all zeros.
I checked the original image and it's good. It's full of info.
So I first decided to split that file using the
itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter class.
What I found is that all the chunks after the slice #104 are zeros
thus it's not the image processing filter that causes the problem.

Here is my question.
Is there any limitation on an image index range?
Or in other words, what is the largest pixel volume that ITK still can



I am using 64 bit Debian Linux.
16 CPUs and 128 GB.
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