[Insight-users] US Patent Office: Asking For Ideas To Enhance Patent Quality

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Dec 12 08:12:23 EST 2009

The US Patent Office (USPTO) is requesting
suggestions on how to improve patent quality.

If you are not yet aware of the low level of quality
of the patents awarded this year, please look at:


For Example:

* 7,597,727 Method for starting a Fire     !!!!
* 7,607,960 Clapping tool for cheering
* 7,494,681 Food Products Comprising Fat and Salt
* 7,579,036 Method for Making partly popped popcorn
* D600,187 Wheel    ...!!!
* 7,485,330 Foodstuff containing a moisty, meaty filling
* 7,487,606 Functional Shoe

and this is without venturing on the
shameful area of Software Patents...


So, 2009 will go down in history as the year
in which humans finally figured out how to
make Fire and build a Wheel:



and the year when the US Patent Office
awarded to a single individual the exclusive
Monopoly  on:

   * Using
   * Making
   * Selling
   * Offering for sale, and
   * Importing

such useful "inventions" for the next 20 years. !!

The requirements for "Non-Obviousness"
and "Novelty" have totally fade from the
practices of the US Patent office, under
the complacent oversight of the Court of
Appeals of the Federal Circuit (CAFC).

Given the sad state of the Patent office,
*ANY* suggestion will be an improvement,
so, please don't be shy, and report your
suggestion by following the instructions
in the PDF document below:


Request for Comments on Enhancement in the Quality of Patents (PDF),

Patent and Trademark Office
[Docket No.: PTO–P–2009–0054]
Request for Comments on
Enhancement in the Quality of Patents

AGENCY: United States Patent and

Trademark Office, Commerce.

ACTION: Request for comments.

SUMMARY: The United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO) has in place
procedures for measuring the quality of
patent examination, including the
decision to grant a patent based on an
application and of other Office actions
issued during the examination of the

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