[Insight-users] DTI nrrd processing.

Subarna Ghosh subarna29 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 11:26:58 EST 2009

Hi all,

I am trying to work with DTI images, and need to read in some tensor nrrd
files that I generated through MRIstudio from my original DWI images.
Basically it gave me files in nrrd format , one each for Dxx, Dyy etc.

It will be great if someone could direct me to the method of reading in such
a format. I tried using itkNrrdVectorImageReadTest.cxx, and also
itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadTest.cxx, but they throw exceptions in

I will appreciate any help in this direction.

Thanks and regards,
Subarna Ghosh.
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