[Insight-users] combining output from segmentation with label map attributes using Gaetan Lehmann's paper: "Label object representation and manipulation with ITK"

lynx.abraxas at freenet.de lynx.abraxas at freenet.de
Tue Dec 15 15:40:46 EST 2009

On 11/12/09 11:30:08, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>               itkLabelGeometryImageFilter.h
> that is described in the Insight Journal paper:
>      "A Label Geometry Image Filter for Multiple Object Measurement"
>      by Padfield D., Miller J. from GE Global Research
>      http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/301
>      http://hdl.handle.net/1926/1493

I'm getting confiused. How do itkLabelGeometryImageFilter.h and itkBinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter.h (from http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/176) differ (except for the additionaly analized quantities)?

It looks like Gaëtan's publication was earlier but it seems to include itkLabelGeometryImageFilter.h, is that correct?


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