[Insight-users] Transformation of vtkPolyData with an itk::Transform
Lodron, Gerald
Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at
Thu Dec 17 05:27:49 EST 2009
I currently made a point selector which stores it's points into a vtkPolyData structure.
Now I successfully made a image registration which converted the vtk image into itk, registered (transformed with itk::ResampleImageFilter) it and converted it back to vtk for visualization. Now the points of the vtkPolyData object are misaligned and I need to transform them. My point transformation implementation looks like this:
vtkPolyData poly; //Point cloud
Itk::Transformation<> transf; //itk Transformation result of registration process
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> transformedpoly = vtkPolyData::New(); //new transformed polydata
for(int j=0; j<poly->GetNumberOfPoints();j++)
Itk::Transformation<> ::InputPointType point;
for(int k=0; k < Transform33Type::InputPointType::PointDimension; k++)
point[k] = poly->GetPoint(j)[k];
Itk::Transformation<> ::OutputPointType transformedPoint = transform->TransformPoint(point);
float afTransfPoint[Transform33Type::OutputPointType::PointDimension];
for(int k=0; k < Transform33Type::OutputPointType::PointDimension; k++)
afTransfPoint[k] = transformedPoint[k];
The problem is that the points does not fit to their old position, so there must be something wrong with the transformPoint operation?
Best regards
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