[Insight-users] ImageFunction Evaluate constness

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Dec 21 19:18:56 EST 2009

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the additional details on the algorithm.

It looks like you could benefit from using the same
trick that LevelSet filters use for storing a data
structure that is to be shared by multiple-threads.

You may want to take a look at the LevelSetFunction
and its interactions with the LevelSetFilters. In particular,
look at the Global data structure....

   It may help you with the design of your filter....



On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> Thanks for your quick response, even it wasn't exactly the answer I
> wanted. I wanted someone to tell me I was justified in abusing the
> ImageFunction...oh well! :P
>> Could you help us understand the algorithm ?
> Obviously the overall context of my problem is somewhat complicated,
> hence the omission from my original email. I'll try to explain as best
> I can.
> Essentially I am implementing something similar (the outcome is the
> same, but the method to get there is quite different) to "propagation
> freezing for thin structures" described on pp. 158-162 of Thomas
> Deschamps' PhD thesis:
>    http://math.lbl.gov/~deschamp/
> The basic premise is as follows: (1) fast marching is prone to
> "leakage," (2) for vascular/thin structures the leakage typically
> occurs in regions far away from the "active" area of the propagating
> front, (3) restricting the movement of the front in these regions will
> prevent unwanted leakage.
> With this in mind I am constructing an image function which takes as
> input the current fast marching arrival function. The geodesic
> distance is computed for the current point, and compared to the
> maximum distance previously computed. If the maximum distance minus
> the current distance is larger than some threshold (ie. the current
> point is far away from the active propagation), the image function
> should return small values, and vice versa.
> Using the ImageFunction class to compute the current geodesic distance
> is no problem. However, the issue is comparing the current distance to
> the maximum distance previously computed, which obviously has to be
> stored somewhere. The maximum distance is the "state" which I want to
> store as a member of the ImageFunction. This image function will be
> employed in a context which requires it to be invoked in a
> "standalone" manner ie. it is not possible to pass in and out the
> previous maximum geodesic distance. Because the function will be
> invoked within a fast marching context, the operation is inherently
> single-threaded.
> While I am still in the "testing out some ideas" phase, in my
> experience if I don't do something right the first time, I never seem
> to get around to fixing it...
> Thanks for any advice.
> Regards, Dan
> 2009/12/13 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>:
>> Hi Dan,
>>              Interesting dilemma...
>> The short answer is:     Yes,
>> You are abusing the Functor.    :-)
>> Given that the functor is, by design, intended
>> to perform pixel-wise stateless operations.
>> However,
>> your algorithmic needs are certainly legitimate,
>> and therefore we should find a way of making
>> easy to implement your algorithm.
>> One option that comes to mind is the design
>> used in the pairs of LevelSet Function+Filter.
>> In particular the use of a data structure that
>> is own by the filter and it is passed to the
>> Function as "working space". I believe that in
>> that context the motivation is mostly to deal
>> with multiple threads, nonetheless, the solution
>> may be applicable to your problem.
>> You could implement a functor that at initialization
>> time receives a pointer to that data structure (own
>> by the Filter), and then, during the Evaluate() method
>> that structure will be modified.
>> This however, requires to mark that structure as
>> "mutable", and therefore, one would think that
>> we could have just made your double variable
>> to be "mutable" in the first place.
>> Using "mutable" here, however, is another design
>> conflict, since "mutable" should only be used for
>> values that perform caching, and not for values that
>> represent "state".  In your case, it looks like you are
>> really managing a "state" with this internal number.
>> It is good that you mention the implications for
>> threading as well, since, hosting state in the Functor
>> will make it non-thread-safe.
>> Could you help us understand the algorithm ?
>> That is, please describe the algorithm that you
>> want to implement, instead of describing the
>> problem that you have found in one of the
>> potential mechanisms of implementing such
>> algorithm.
>> It is quite likely that we may have another trick
>> in store that could be used for that algorithm.
>> ...and...
>> if we don't find anything, then we should
>> design something that have a lot of potential
>> for reuse, as you pointed out.
>>    Thanks
>>          Luis
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Insight community,
>>> I am writing an ImageFunction for which the value depends on the image
>>> point AND previous calls to the function.
>>> To implement this I have added a member variable (a double) to my
>>> subclassed image function. I want to set this member variable within:
>>>    virtual TOutput Evaluate( const PointType& point ) const
>>> I guess you can see my issue: Evaluate is marked const, so calls such as
>>>    this->m_MemberVariable = 123.456;
>>> do not compile. I get the following error with Visual Studio 2005:
>>>    error C2166: l-value specifies const object
>>> Of course I can get around this using const_cast on the this pointer:
>>>    MyImageFunction<TInputImage,TOutput>* function =
>>>      const_cast<MyImageFunction<TInputImage,TOutput>*>( this );
>>>    function->m_MemberVariable = 123.456;
>>> Some questions:
>>> Am I abusing ImageFunction?
>>> Does use of const_cast on the this pointer invoke the wrath of the
>>> const-correctness police?
>>> Is there a better way?
>>> I guess I could create my own NonConstSingleThreadedImageFunction, but
>>> then I'd bring the code-reuse police knocking...
>>> Any suggestions appreciated.
>>> Regards, Dan

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