[Insight-users] Windows compiler

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Dec 21 19:59:38 EST 2009

Hi Felix,

We build ITK every Night with

        * Visual Studio 6.0
        * Visual Studio 7.0
        * Visual Studio 7.1
        * Visual Studio 8.0
        * Visual Studio 9.0

You can see all these build in the ITK
Nightly Dashboard:


and you can filter it, in order to focus only
in the Windows builds, with the following link:


Can you verify the level of CPU usage
when your compiler is "Freezing"  ?

It may simply be "very busy..."



On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Felix Kim <fkim at utk.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry if this question was asked and answered before. I'm using a
> Windows XP machine, and I was wondering what is a recommended compiler to
> use. I was trying to install ITK using visual studio, but the process
> freezes before the completion. Is there any free compiler that I can use in
> windows machine?
> Thanks,
> Felix Kim
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