[Insight-users] Fwd: A challenge to all Windows users

URI zallen at wheelinghospital.com
Mon Dec 28 11:39:44 EST 2009

This was exactly the problem, now it's working.  I was also able to configure
ITK with Visual Studio Express with no problems.

Now I'm faced with a new challenge - how do I make it work from here?  I
have a folder called "Examples" that is full of C++, PY, and TCL files, but
I'm not sure what to do with any of them.

I tried following the Linux instructions
(http://www.itk.org/CourseWare/Training/GettingStarted-I.pdf) starting with
Step 6, but I got stuck on Step 7 because after running CMake on my new
HelloWorld directory I do not have a HelloWorld.dsw file.

I also tried following the instructions in the "ITK Software Guide"
(http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf) starting at the top of page 17,
which reads:

"Under Windows you can run CMakeSetup and provide your newly created
directory as
being both the source directory and the binary directory for your new
project (i.e., an in-source
build). Then CMake will require you to provide the path to the binary
directory where ITK was

I created a HelloWorld directory and copied the two files from the
Examples/Installation folder, then I set CMake to point to my newly created
directory for both the source and bin directory, but it never asked me for
the path to the binary directory where ITK was built.  It still configured
though, and now I have several files in my HelloWorld directory, but I don't
know what to do with them.  I tried opening the VC++ Project files in VS
Express and compiling them, but I keep getting errors.

Can someone again provide specific step-by-step instructions on what to do
after building ITK and hitting the "Generate" button in CMake?

John Drescher-2 wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 9:18 AM, URI <zallen at wheelinghospital.com> wrote:
>> No, the closest things I have in C:\MinGW\bin are:
>> mingw32-c++
>> mingw32-g++
>> mingw32-gcc
>> mingw32-gcc-3.4.5
>> How could my MinGW install be different from yours if I used the same
>> file
>> and the same installation parameters?
> Looks like you did not select MinGW make when you installed MinGW.
> Reinstall MinGW with either a Full or Custom with selecting MinGW
> make. This is the last item in the list of things you can install.
> John
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