[Insight-users] Problem with Spatial Object Duplicator when trying to Duplicate a Cylinder

Antonio Foncubierta antonio.foncubierta at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 11:14:55 EST 2009


I've been trying to use a Spatial Object Duplicator to get an exact copy of
some Spatial Objects. I've had no problems with ellipseSpatial Objects, but
when I try to duplicate a CylinderSpatialObject, I get the following Error

Could not create an instance of CylinderSpatialObject_3
The usual cause of this error is not registering the SpatialObject with
Currently registered Transforms:

My code:

typename MovingSpatialObjectType::Pointer currentSO;
typedef itk::SpatialObjectDuplicator<MovingSpatialObjectType>
typename DuplicatorType::Pointer duplicator = DuplicatorType::New();


I just don't understand what I should do with the SpatialFactory to make
this work. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you

Antonio Foncubierta
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