[Insight-users] DICOM to analyze format--showing erros

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Feb 7 12:52:04 EST 2009

Hi Baoyun,

The error message is quite clear:

  Analyze only support some anatomical orientations,
  and the DICOM file that you are reading is not one
  of those supported orientations.

I would suggest you to convert the file to Nifti.
(which is somehow compatible with Analyze, but more


At the end, it all depends on what you need to do
with that image file after the conversion ...



Baoyun Li wrote:
> Dear All:
> I am trying to read DICOM slices and convert them to 3D image volume. 
> The code I used is from example/ITKIO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx.
> The dataset I have is clinical CT data.
> The Dicom folder only contain data from one image volume.
> I run the the program as following and and try to convert it to analyse 
> format
> ./DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2  
> /home/test/data/Rdata/CT/DICOM/PA1/ST1/SE1  
> /home/test/data/Rdata/vol_CT/PA1_ST1_SE1_1.hdr
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> I got the below output
> Contains the following DICOM Series:
> 1.2.840.113619.
> Now reading series:
> 1.2.840.113619.
> Writing the image as
> /home/gtao/test/data/Rdata/vol_CT/PA1_ST1_SE1_1.hdr
> WARNING: In /home/gtao/tools/ITK/Source/Code/IO/itkAnalyzeImageIO.cxx, 
> line 1345
> AnalyzeImageIO (0x1a80d770): ERROR: Analyze 7.5 File Format Only Allows 
> RPI, PIR, and RIP Orientation
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> If I tried to save the output file as mha format, now warning and error 
> message.
> but I can view the written analyze image using MRICRO.
> Can anybody tell me what will be the problem? How to solve it.
> If
> Thanks
> Baoyun

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