[Insight-users] multiframe dicom

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Feb 10 19:37:25 EST 2009

Hi Ashis,

Yes, this should be possible.

If you have a single file, containing the set of 2D frames,
you can read this file as a 3D image by simply using the
ImageFileReader<> instantiated over a 3D image.

Then you could process the images by extracting the individual
slices with the ExtractImageFilter.

You may also find interesting to look at the itkSliceBySliceImageFilter
in the directory Insight/Code/Review.

For writing the image as a multi-frame DICOM you simply need to use
the ImageFileWriter<> instantiated over the 3D image. This should
produces as output a single multi-frame DICOM file.

Please let us know if you run into any problem,



Ashish Singh wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to write multiframe dicom using ITK? I have a large Cine 
> US in multiframe dicom format. The size is more than 500MB. I have to do 
> some processing on each frame and then write them all to a new 
> multiframe dicom file. If anyone has any idea of doing this, please let 
> me know.
> Thanks,
> Ashis
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