[Insight-users] cmake warning

Steven Manos s.manos at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Feb 12 09:42:36 EST 2009


On 12 Feb 2009, at 14:36, Arepi wrote:
> After I installed cmake the ITK_DIR set automazically but I dont found
> nowhere ITKCommon.lib on my computer. Can you tell me how can I  
> configure
> and build ITk correct?

You need to run make and make install to get those libraries installed.

Then you will find the libraries in $install_path/lib/InsightToolkit

Once you have installed ITK correctly, this is an example of a  
CMakeLists.txt file which compiles ITK into a user application -

PROJECT(itktool CXX)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(segtool a.cc  b.cc  c.cc  main.cc  d.cc)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(segtool ITKAlgorithms ITKBasicFilters ITKCommon  
ITKIO ITKNrrdIO ITKNumerics ITKSpatialObject ITKStatistics ITKniftiio  

When you run cmake you have to specify the ITK_DIR


> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>> Hi Arepi,
>> Have you actually configured and build ITK itself ?
>> If so, in the ITK binary directory you should find a
>> "/bin" subdirectory and then inside the "Release" or "Debug"
>> subdirectory you should see the library ITKCommon.lib
>> (among many others).
>> Also, when you run CMake on the hello world example,
>> you must point the ITK_DIR variable to the directory
>> where you build ITK.
>>    Regards,
>>        Luis
>> ------------------------
>> Arepi wrote:
>>> Thanks it works fine the cmake generate the projekt file but then  
>>> I open
>>> and
>>> build in VS, gave the message:
>>> "fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'ITKCommon.lib'"
>>> I use VS 2005. What should I do?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> Paste  "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION2.6)" (no quotes) into the
>>> CMakeLists.txt file.quote>
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