[Insight-users] ConnectedThresholdImageFilter, intialize output

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Feb 15 12:30:13 EST 2009

Hi Bryn,

Currently this filter doesn't take an initial segmentation as input.

The simplest way to extend it, is to follow your first suggestion:

       To pass through all the pixels of you initial
       segmentation and to add them as seed points.

Grafting the output will not do the trick because that will not
update the internal structures of this filter.

I would strongly encourage you to write this as a separate filter,
that takes a segmentation as input and produces as output a list
of indices (seed points) that can then be passed to any of the
region growing filters.

Such initialization filter will be relatively easy to write,
and will be a great contribution to the Insight Journal   :-)



Bryn Lloyd wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the ConnectedThresholdImageFilter to segment vessels from MRA 
> images (reader -> hessian -> hessian2vesselness -> region growing).
> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1ConnectedThresholdImageFilter.html 
> Is it possible to setup the filter to use an initial given segmentation.
> I guess I could iterate over all pixels and add each object pixel as a 
> seed point...
> But could I also use the function 
> ConnectedThresholdImageFilter::GraftOutput to initialize the filter with 
> an intial solution?
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Bryn
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