[Insight-users] binary erosion does not take effect...

a.bongers at mediri.com a.bongers at mediri.com
Mon Feb 16 08:27:50 EST 2009


I currently have the problem that the binary erosion filter does not show any effect. Did anyone experience the same problem ?

Here is my code: Which I believe is correct - since I copied it from the manual... 
But maybe I still forgot some update or so ?!

typedef itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement<InputPixelType,3 > StructuringElementType;

typedef itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter<ImageType,ImageType,StructuringElementType > ErFilterType;
		ErFilterType::Pointer binErode = ErFilterType::New();

StructuringElementType binBall;
binBall.SetRadius( 9);
binErode->SetKernel( binBall );
binErode->SetInput( outMaskImage );
// my outMaskImage is of type unsinged short and contains //a "0 an 1 mask"
ImageType::Pointer outErodedMaskImage = binErode->GetOutput();

itkUtil::WriteImage<ImageType>(outErodedMaskImage, "C:/erode.mhd" );

Thanks for the help!


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