[Insight-users] ITK and Amira

Peter Jones p_jones_ at rogers.com
Wed Jan 14 18:43:42 EST 2009

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to use ITK in Amira (http://www.amira.com/). Amira has an optional developer pack that allows custom extensions to be written in C++. A bit more about the developer pack can be found here: http://www.amira.com/documentation/52/amira/programmersguide/HxDev-intro.html. Note that GNUmakefiles are generated automatically by Amira.

I'm hoping that it is actually possible to include ITK in Amira extensions. The problem that I've run into is that Amira uses gmake and GNUmakefiles to compile custom extensions, while ITK programs are compiled with cmake using CMakeLists.txt. So, I don't know how to have ITK included in the extensions that are compiled by gmake. I don't have much experience with cmake, gmake, or C++ in general. I've been researching this but haven't found any resources relating gmake to cmake.

At this point, I'm just trying to run a simple program like the HelloWorld in the ITK Software Guide (http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf), but through Amira. I think to compile it properly, I need to somehow take the functionality of the CMakeLists.txt file, and put it into the GNUmakefile created by Amira.

Does anyone know if this should be possible? If so, can anyone with experience with similar situations make any suggestions? Or can anyone point me towards some relevant resources?

In case it helps, here are some details about my system:
Mac OS X 10.5.6
Amira 5.2.0
ITK 3.10.1
cmake 2.6.2
gmake 3.81

Any help is greatly appreciated. If any more information or details would help, please let me know.


Peter Jones
Research Assistant
Imaging Research Centre for Cardiac Intervention
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
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