[Insight-users] ManagedITK using VB.NET

Tao Dai uniquedai at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 19:45:43 EST 2009

Hi, All:

In an example of ManagedITK (registration part)


Here's codes written in VB.NET
Imports itk

Imports OptimizerType = itk.itkRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer
' Create optimiser
            Dim optimizer As OptimizerType = OptimizerType.[New]

            '*optimizer.Iteration* += New

The problem is :  there's no member like "Iteration" under the "Optimizer".
I also checked in Object Browser, not only the
but also other optimizers, e.g., itkGradientDescentOptimizer, don't have
such a member "Iteration". Is this a version problem?  I'm using the
pre-compiled assembly pack

Any comments?


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