[Insight-users] fastest way to get image voxels(pixels) within an itkMesh ?

gregthom gregthom99 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 4 17:13:56 EDT 2009

Hi Luis,

Thank you for taking some time to look into this. 

Yes you describe the problem accurately.

>> Can we assume that (B) and (C) share the same image grid ? 

Answer: not necessarily.

>>It is not clear from your email,
>>if what you want at the end is an image in the grid of (B) with
>>the values of (C), or whether you want to simply have a list
>>(e.g. std::vector<> with the list of values from (C).

I need the in the end an image in the grid of (B) with the values of C as
you thought. 
Can you suggest how to obtain this efficiently ? I will start to work on the
algorithm in the
pseudocode, in fact I had already been doing something similar.

Hope to hear from you
best wishes

Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Gregthom,
> So you have:
>      A)  a Mesh
>      B)  a binary image that you get from rasterizing (A)
>      C)  a grayscale image
> You want to get the grayscales values of (C) that correspond
> to positions of (B) that are inside of (A).
> Can we assume that (B) and (C) share the same image grid ?
> That is,
> Do the images B and C have the same origin, spacing, orientation
> and number of pixels ?
> If yes,
> then you could do this faster by using the MaskImageFilter,
> and passing (B) and (C) as its inputs.
> If no,
> You will have to use code similar to what is used in the
> ImageMetrics, when collecting the values of the moving image.
> In pseudo code:
>         Run Mesh rasterization filter
>         Create interpolator and connect it to (C)
>         For all pixels in the mask (B)
>             if pixel is ON
>                 convert index to physical point
>                 Evaluate interpolator at point
> It is not clear from your email,
> if what you want at the end is an image in the grid of (B) with
> the values of (C), or whether you want to simply have a list
> (e.g. std::vector<> with the list of values from (C).
> Please clarify what kind of final output you want/need.
>       Thanks
>           Luis
> ----------------
> gregthom wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Since my last post, I have been able to concoct a piece of code that does
>> what I originally wanted. i'e
>> take a mesh, binarize it, and then give me all voxels(physical) within my
>> binary volume. 
>> I want to use these physical coordinates to interpolate in another 3D
>> volume
>> with scalar values, i.e for all voxels in my binary volume, what is the
>> scalar value interpolated from the 3D volume ? My main worry is about
>> speed.
>> For the first part, is this really the fastest way ? And what about the
>> interpolation part ? how to do that ?
>> Thank you
>> Here is my working code
>> **********************************************************************************************************************************************
>>   typedef unsigned char  BinaryPixelType;
>>   typedef unsigned short PixelType;
>>   //typedef float PixelType;
>>   typedef itk::Image<BinaryPixelType, 3>      BinaryImageType;
>>   typedef itk::Image<PixelType, 3> ImageType;
>>   typedef itk::TriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter<MeshType, BinaryImageType>
>> TriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilterType; 
>>   TriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilterType::Pointer triangleMeshToImage =
>> TriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilterType::New();
>>   typedef itk::MeshSpatialObject<MeshType> MeshSpatialObjectType;
>>   //convert matlab meshS (i.e meshS.vertices, meshS.triangles) to itkmesh
>>   MeshType::Pointer mymesh =  meshSstructToItkMesh(prhs[0]);   
>>   triangleMeshToImage->SetInput(mymesh);
>>   BinaryImageType::SizeType size; 
>>   size[0] = (unsigned int)((double *)(mxGetPr(prhs[3])))[0];  
>>   size[1] = (unsigned int)((double *)(mxGetPr(prhs[3])))[1];  
>>   size[2] = (unsigned int)((double *)(mxGetPr(prhs[3])))[2];  
>>   triangleMeshToImage->SetSpacing(spc);
>>   triangleMeshToImage->SetOrigin(org);
>>   triangleMeshToImage->SetSize (size);
>>   //typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<BinaryImageType> WriterType;
>>   //WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
>>   //writer->SetFileName("testMeshBinaryImage.mha");
>>   //writer->SetInput(triangleMeshToImage->GetOutput());
>>   try
>>   {     
>>       triangleMeshToImage->Update();
>>       //writer->Update();
>>   }
>>   catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excep )
>>   {
>>     std::cerr << "Exception caught !" << std::endl;
>>     std::cerr << excep << std::endl;
>>   }
>>   //create meshtoimage filter
>>   BinaryImageType::ValueType  m_MaskValue =
>> itk::NumericTraits<BinaryImageType::ValueType>::One;  
>>   typedef  itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex<BinaryImageType>
>> MaskIteratorType;  
>>   MaskIteratorType mit( triangleMeshToImage->GetOutput(),
>> triangleMeshToImage->GetOutput()->GetBufferedRegion() );   
>>   BinaryImageType::IndexType index;
>>   typedef itk::PointSet< double, 3 > PointSetType;
>>   typedef PointSetType::PointType InputPointType;
>>   // lets get number of voxels
>>   int nvoxels;
>>   for (mit.GoToBegin(); !mit.IsAtEnd(); ++mit)
>>   {
>>      index = mit.GetIndex();
>>      InputPointType iPoint;
>>      triangleMeshToImage->GetOutput()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(
>> index,
>> iPoint );  
>>      if (mit.Get() == m_MaskValue)
>>      {        
>> 	 nvoxels++;         
>>      }
>>      else
>>      {
>>      }      
>>   }//
>>   //create output variable for result
>>   mwSize  dims[] = {nvoxels,3};  
>>   plhs[0]        = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL
>> );
>>   double *pr     = mxGetPr( plhs[0] );
>>   // second pass thru mask to get only values within the mask
>>   unsigned int tcount;
>>   for (mit.GoToBegin(); !mit.IsAtEnd(); ++mit)
>>   {
>>      index = mit.GetIndex();
>>      InputPointType iPoint;
>>      triangleMeshToImage->GetOutput()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(
>> index,
>> iPoint );  
>>      if (mit.Get() == m_MaskValue)
>>      {        
>> 	 //mexPrintf("Point in  mesh: [%d %f %f
>> %f]\n",tcount,iPoint[0],iPoint[1],iPoint[2]); 
>>          pr[0*nvoxels + tcount] = (double)iPoint[0];
>>          pr[1*nvoxels + tcount] = (double)iPoint[1];
>>          pr[2*nvoxels + tcount] = (double)iPoint[2];
>>          tcount++;    
>>      }
>>      else
>>      {
>>      }      
>>   }//
>> Dan Mueller-2 wrote:
>>>Hi Greg,
>>>You could try rasterizing your mesh, then iterating over the image
>>>considering only values under the raster mask. Further, you could
>>>constrict the iteration to the bounding box of the raster mask. If
>>>your mesh consists of triangles, you can use
>>>itkTriangleMeshToImageFilter to create a binary image mask.
>>>If rasterizing the mesh is already too slow, I'm not sure what else
>>>you could do...
>>>Some more information regarding your specific problem might also help
>>>discover solutions "outside the box".
>>>Hope this helps.
>>>Regards, Dan
>>>2009/6/25 gregthom <gregthom99 at yahoo.com>:
>>>>This is more of a design help question. I have an itkMesh and and
>>>>in the same frame of reference. I need to get the image values of all
>>>>voxels(pixels) bounded by the itkMesh. Anybody have any thoughts on how
>>>>achieve this ? What is the fastest way to achieve this ?
>>>>Thank you
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