[Insight-users] B-spline deformations for image registration? (Vol 63, Issue 31

Julia A. Schnabel julia.schnabel at eng.ox.ac.uk
Mon Jul 6 08:37:13 EDT 2009

insight-users-request at itk.org wrote:
> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 10:33:01 +0200
> From: motes motes <mort.motes at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Insight-users] B-spline deformations for image registration?
> To: insight-users at itk.org
> Message-ID:
> 	<54eca6a70907060133i370210d1x997d97f31ae9884b at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Most of the B-spline deformations in an image registration procedure I have
> read about typically use uniform B-splines. I have seen that development on
> non-uniform B-splines is in progress in ITK. But what benefits are earned
> from non-uniform B-splines in image registration?
> I have read an article on non-uniform spacing of the control points in
> relation to image registration:
> http://www.springerlink.com/content/0q3bfeunq4avrwdf/
> But to define a non-uniform spacing of the control points one does not
> necessarily need to use non-uniform knot-vectors.
> The purpose of non-uniform knot-vectors as I understand is to have different
> weights for each control point, but to my knowledege no results with this
> approach has been published.


yes indeed, you can use regular FFDs, and only allow some control points 
to move, in order to emulate non-uniform FFDs.

Main benefits are: fewer degrees of freedom to optimize = faster; more 
localized deformations (e.g. within brain mask, or automatically in 
regions of high local intensity variance, or steep cost gradient) = 
possibility to focus into relevant regions (especially if used with 
multi-level FFDs or subdivision techniques); regular mesh = easy mesh 
traversal and isotropic optimization parameters

Disadvantage: you still need a big regular mesh even if only few control 
points remain activated. One can however layer smaller B-spline patches 
(over smaller FOVs - e.g. the work by Gustavo Rhode).

I don't know how much of that algorithm has made it into ITK, but simply 
assigning a control point status to each control point, or even to each 
of its 3 degrees of freedom, and querying this status before any 
deformation is applied, should do the trick.

Best regards,
Julia Schnabel

Julia A. Schnabel, PhD                University Lecturer (Medical Imaging)
University of Oxford                  Fellow, St. Hilda's College
Institute of Biomedical Engineering   http://www.ibme.ox.ac.uk
Department of Engineering Science     Tel: (44) 1865 617687 (voice)
ORCRB, off Roosevelt Drive            Tel: (44) 1865 617675 (Val)
Oxford OX3 7DQ, UK                    Fax: (44) 1865 617671

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