[Insight-users] DeformableRegistration8 with Normalized Mutual Information

Serena Fabbri fabbri at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 13 13:01:57 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I am registering MRI and CT image and I use Normalized Mutual Information.
I am using DeformableRegistration8 (BSpline Tranformtion) and I have replaced in the code only the 
line about the metric.
So I have written:

 	const unsigned int numberOfParameters2 = transform->GetNumberOfParameters();

 	typedef MetricType::ScalesType ScalesType;
 	ScalesType scales( numberOfParameters2 );
 	scales.Fill( 0.0001 );

 	MetricType::HistogramType::SizeType histogramSize;
 	histogramSize[0] = 25;
 	histogramSize[1] = 25;
 	metric->SetHistogramSize( histogramSize );


the problem is the program seems blocked  as the observer associated to registration pipeline doesn't 
write anything.
Did i miss to write some instructions? any idea?
I appreciate any suggestion.

Thank you.


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