[Insight-users] ITK filter for fitting a curve to a set of points in a 2-d binary image

Prashanth Ravindran prashanth at 100ximaging.com
Wed Jul 15 06:36:53 EDT 2009

Hi All-

I have a set of images of a c-elegans neuron, from which I want to characterize the movement of the axon. The images are florescence microscopy images and only the axon lights up in these images. I am able to segment out the axon, but am not able to find an appropriate filter to fit a curve to the binary image such that the curve fits the axon. I have seen the itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter, but I am unable to visualize the Paths that this filter generates. So I have two questions for the list

(1)  The ContourExtractor2DImageFilter tries to extract closed contours from the image and makes these available as a PolyLineParametricPath<2>. Is there a way to render the curves extracted using VTK?  

Also I suspect that it is taking the dots that represent the axon and generating a set of closed contours that run around the dots as opposed to fitting all the dots into a single path (from what I understand of marching squares). This would make it unsuitable for my purpose. Any comments to the corroborating either this observation or its contrary are appreciated.

(2) Is there a filter to which I can feed as input either the binary image that represents the axon, or a point set derived from the binary image,from which a Bspline can be derived? In the ideal case I would like the output to be in the form of a closed form charecterization (BSpline etc) that I can sample at various points and create a TubeSpatialObject to represent the axon.

--Prashanth Ravindran
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