[Insight-users] Current state of "Active Contours without edges" in Review folder? - Example?

Kishore Mosaliganti kishoreraom at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 09:49:26 EDT 2009

Hi Amardeep,

The names of the classes were changed when moving to the Review directory.
Therefore, you will need to modify the main cxx that you downloaded from
Insight Journal.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Amardeep Singh <amar.singh at gmx.de> wrote:

> Dear ITK Users
> I would like to use the "Active Contours without edges" algorithm, which is
> available in
> the Review directory if I understood correctly.
> So, I am wondering where I can find an example about how to use the
> algorithm. I tried to run the
> "ScalarSinglePhase3DTest" example of the Insight Journal submission, but it
> failed to compile.
> The first error read:
> /applications/ScalarSinglePhase3DTest.cc:4:52: error:
> itkSparseMultiphaseLevelSetImageFilter.h: No such file or directory
> I am a little confused by the multitudes of implementations that are
> available with respect to this
> algorithm, at the moment (3 Insight Journal submission + Review).
> Can someone tell me where to start and how to get it running?
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards
> Amardeep
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